
Toxic Touch -
Applies Poison to all hit entities.

Renewing Touch -
Applies Regeneration to all hit entities.

Protective Touch -
Applies Absorbtion to all hit entities.

Healing Touch -
Heals all hit entities.

Saturated -
Prevents you from getting too hungry too quickly.

Haley -
You can fly. At least for a short period of time.

Harddrinking -
You're immune to alcohol. Sounds like a dream!

Drunk -
You're drunk.

Blackout -
You're totally drunk.

Pint Charisma -
10% discount while trading with villagers.

Partystarter -
Ready to start the Party? Emits Firework Particles when hitting entities - also deals a small amount of damage.

Snow White -
Animals flock to your side, enchanted by your presence.