
Increases your armor and armor toughness.

Lets you climb like a Spider.

You explode. Kaboom!

You're able to jump a second time while in the air.

Increases gained Experience.

You get frozen but your armor and damage is increased.

Adds one heart per effect level.

Gives you the effects of a Golden Apple. But they can scale with the effect level.

You can walk over lava without taking damage.

The same useless effect like the vanilla one, but twice as strong and with a beautiful icon.

Pulls all items within a small radius towards the player. What might happen when your inventory is full?

Ready to start the Party? Emits Firework Particles when hitting entities - also deals a small amount of damage.

Increases your knockback resistance and armor toughness.

Reflects half of the damage to the attacker.

Feels like ya had one too many! Messes with yer mov'ment, makes ya stumble 'round like a tipsy sailr.

Teleports the Player randomly forward.

10% discount per effect level while trading with Villagers.

Random effects that alter your visual spectrum (there is a small chance that nothing will happen).

You can walk over Water.